The Seri Coast So, 10 months in the Sonoran Desert and we've hardly left Tucson. Seems like we have everything right in our backyard. The only siren song we hear hails from south of the border. Only one-third of the Sonoran Desert is in the United States. What's the rest of it like?
Seri Coast Part I Seri Coast Part II |
We ran into Bill and Debbie at the Bicas Art Auction.
"We're going camping Thanksgiving Week on an isolated beach in Mexico on the Seri Indian Reservation," they said. "You should come along."
We thought about it for all of three seconds. |
We spent the next few days filling Consuela's every nook and cranny with all the food and water we'd need for a week in the desert. Somehow we actually left town on Saturday morning, caravanning with "Van Gogh," a 1980 Dodge van just like Consuela. It was a 10-hour drive to the Seri Coast -- three of them over one of the roughest dirst roads I'd ever driven.
As we sped through the dark, dodging potholes and washouts, I would think about the fact that we were driving a 21-year-old vehicle over an isolated gravel road in a country that's famous for its highway robberies. Time for another cold Tecate. |
And then it was morning. And we woke up in the most unbelievable place .... |