The house is just 800 feet square and has 10 windows and 11
doors--NO wall space, in other words! But the nine-foot-ceilings
make it very airy and cheery. It still all its original, unpainted hardwood floors, doors and windows.
Yes there are bars on the windows. Nobody knows if window bars are really necessary, or just a Tucson "fashion statement." Either way, you don't want yours to be the only house on the street without them!
 All utilities are outside--electricity, telephone and even the
washing machine! Apparently, the old-timers cooked, ate and even
slept outside, with the bedposts in cans of water to ward off the
bugs!The "furnace" is a pint-sized gas space heater like you'd find in a trailer house. Meanwhile, there's an evaporative cooler the size of a Volkswagen perched on the roof ...