As the economic, political and environmental crisis grow more urgent Food Not Bombs is often the place were people turn for organic vegan meals, groceries, information and emotional support. Many people tell us that Food Not Bombs changed their lives. Others say we saved their lives. Food Not Bombs is as busy as ever with the increase in poverty and homelessness. A Great Depression scale economic crisis may cause many more people to rely on their local Food Not Bombs group.
Imagine how much we could do if a million people donated a dollar each to Food Not Bombs. Because we recover the food we can provide meals to more then five people per dollar. We are doing so much with the money that has already been contributed sharing thousands of vegan and vegetarian meals every week in over 1,000 communities in 65 countries around the world. Imagine if a million people send in one dollar just think how much more Food Not Bombs can do!
For the past 45 years Food Not Bombs has been feeding people in hundreds of communities all over the world absolutely free of charge and without restriction. Food Not Bombs has no paid staff and is an all volunteer movement. Your contribution goes directly towards ending hunger, poverty, and war. Food Not Bombs is offering you the opportunity to support this important movement by sending in just ONE DOLLAR! Imagine if everyone donated even more. It is a great time to stop underestimating the power of one. Give it a try and pass on the word. For just one dollar you can help build a world based on peace and justice. And of course feel free to contribute more if you can.
If you would like to donate more than $1 please feel free to add any amount you want to the Paypal form. If you are interested in making a larger donation of more then $100 or more and want to request a tax letter for your contribution, please contact us at 575-770-3377. You can also mail checks made out to Food Not Bombs - PO Box 422, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA
You can even make an automatic monthly donation. Thanks so much for your contribution!