Sharing vegan meals at the Hub in Worchester. FOOD IS A RIGHT NOT A PRIVILEGE
Sharing food with the hungry is an unregulated act of kindness. Resist
all laws restricting compassion.
Authorities have recently told volunteers to stop feeding
the hungry in Worcester, Sacramento, Olympia, Taos, Boulder, Raleigh,
Portland, Seattle and Santa Monica.
Post on Facebook by Worcester Food Not Bombs in the afternoon of October
12, 2013 "FNB was just thrown out of the hub for sharing food!!!!!!!!!We
had a large number of people we fed before this so we believe its
important we are allowed to serve at that location. Please call
WRTA(508)7919782 click customer service and ask them why they wont
support there own community. The more calls they get the more likely
they will allow it. Thank you all. MORE
First email from Sacramento Food Not
Bombs about shut down (October 6, 2013> First email from Worcester Food Not
Bombs about shut down (October 6, 2013>
Not Bombs P.O. Box 424, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 USA
575-770-3377 1-800-884-1136 menu@foodnotbombs.net www.foodnotbombs.net
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