Police hand out memo at the October 13th Food Not Bombs meal in Sacramento.

Sharing food with the hungry is an unregulated act of kindness. Resist all laws restricting compassion.

Authorities have recently told volunteers to stop feeding the hungry in Worcester, Sacramento, Olympia, Taos, Boulder, Raleigh, Portland, Seattle and Santa Monica.

Email sent to Food Not Bombs co-founder on Monday, October 6, 2013

Hi Keith.

Well, yesterday Sacramento Food not Bombs was kicked out of the Cesar Chavez Park by the Sacramento police. We were greeted by about 15 officers when we arrived at the park when we normally do in time to start sharing the meal we created by 1:30pm. We were told that our stuff would be confiscated and we would get a summons due to an ordinance that has yet to even be passed that would prevent any group from handing out free hot meal in the park.

When it rains we move over to the east side of the park and across the street where there is an awning in front of three businesses that are not open on Sundays. So , this is where we moved to yesterday to actually continue with what we set out to do which is sharing the hot meal we created.

The police harassment began when we arrived at the park to try and serve the meal, continued when we moved across the street, and persisted until finally packed up. At one point a Food Not Bombs volunteer was accosted by a bicycle cop while she went to her truck to get a bread donation and then return to where we were set up - he waa trying to continue to tell her that the Sacramento police do not want homeless people in the Cesar Chavez Park or even around the park. I was accosted by the same bicycle cop when I left where we were set up to walk a couple blocks and let everyone know where we were set up. Eventually - I'm guessing it was the captain stood on the park side of the street and began video taping us where we were set up for about the final 10 -15 minutes

We moved across the street reluctantly and would really like to continue to stay in the park every Sunday at 1:30pm. We'd like to start preparing and making contacts to begin mobilizing.

Would you please give me the contacts for every Food Not Bombs chapter in northern California?

Thank you, Keith.

I hope all is well with you.


Sacramento Food Not Bombs


First email from Sacramento Food Not Bombs about shut down (October 6, 2013)
First email from Worcester Food Not Bombs about shut down (October 6, 2013)

Food Not Bombs
P.O. Box 424, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 USA

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