What is this website all
The Food
Not Bombs Global Coordination Office
 Working into the evening.
 Our office in Taos, New Mexico
The global coordination
office of Food Not Bombs helps people start local chapters or connect
with their local group. We also provide logistical, legal and political
support to Food Not Bombs groups and we help promote and organize tours,
gatherings and global days of action. Our volunteers also organize the
and provide books, flyers, buttons, stickers,
t-shirts, books and other materials.
The website www.foodnotbombs.net was started in San Francisco in
1995 at the Food Not Bombs International Gathering, as a way for people
to find information about the movement. Because of the informal, all
volunteer manner in which Food Not Bombs is organized, we learned that
people were often frustrated trying to find, or start, a local chapter.
This website is designed to help the community connect with the global
Food Not Bombs movement. We are a small, all-volunteer collective that
is dedicated to helping people start and maintain local Food Not Bombs
groups. Our goal is to encourage people to join us in taking direct
action for peace and social justice. We welcome links and text by all
Food Not Bombs groups. We also provide a way for groups and individuals
to get Food Not Bombs resources such as handbooks, badges,
stickers,literature and other materials. The newest book is HUNGRY FOR PEACE - How you can
help end poverty and war with Food Not Bombs
This project has been supporting the occupations helping local kitchens with logistical and material support.
They posted a website about the materials needed to feed an occupations, have been talking with cooks about logistics and even went to several occupations to help set up the kitchens.
The office raised funds to buy bulk rice, beans, oats and other supplies that they delivered to Wall Street and other occupations. They also donated their pots and other equipment to Occupy DC and organized the cooks and other tasks.
We also support prisoners and their families, responding to letters from
prisoners and encourage the creation of Food Not Bombs behind bars. We
post details about tours, gatherings and other actions organized by Food
Not Bombs chapters.
The collective also helps organize the Food Not Bombs Free Skool in
Taos, New Mexico in the United States of America.
Food Not Bombs volunteers are invited to apply for two or four weeks of workshops to help them develope and improve their organizing skills. The Food Not Bombs Free Skool is held every summer and includes four fundamental workshops in The Consensus Process, Food Not Lawns Gardening, Basic Food Not Bombs, and the Fundamentals of Nonviolent Direct Action. Volunteers also offer workshops in puppet making and production, creative writing, bee keeping, natural construction, herbal healing, weaving, yoga
and many other wonderful skills.
The collective also plans to produce an electronic Menu. Every Food Not
Bombs group can send in fliers, magazine articles, court documents,
police reports, music covers and any other things you think other Food
Not Bombs volunteers might be interested in seeing. Local groups can
print a copy for their group and show it to everyone.
This site is no more or less official than any other Food Not Bombs
website. This website has been made very low tech so that people in
areas with bad telephone connections and people who must pay by the
minute will be able to get to each page quickly.
Food Not Bombs
is made up of hundreds of autonomous groups and has no headquarters or
leadership. The members of this collective are not the leaders of the
Food Not Bombs movement. Co-founder Keith McHenry volunteers with this
collective but is in no way to be considered the leader of the
collective or the Food Not Bombs movement. We hope this site will be
useful. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please let
us know how we can be of help. Our collective is also happy to post any
Food Not Bombs related images or text you wish to provide.
Advisory Board
Leslie Swanson - co-founder of Food
Not Bombs Bobby Castillo - Native American Activist Alex S.
Vitale - Associate Professor Department of Sociology Brooklyn College
and former Food Not Bombs volunteer Emmanuel Rodriguez - Food Not
Bombs in Monterrey Mexico
The Food
Not Bombs Global Coordination Office
Not Bombs P.O. Box 424, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 USA
575-770-3377 menu@foodnotbombs.net www.foodnotbombs.net
EIN 45-4549583
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Dollar For Peace |