The updates here were made on January 17, 2006
Call the GI Rights Hotline 1-800-394-9544
The United States militry is taking heavy casualties and will be driven out of Iraq. Civilians are also being killed by the thousands.
Making conservative assumptions, we think that about 100,000 excess deaths, or more have
happened since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Violence accounted for most of the excess deaths
and air strikes from coalition forces accounted for most violent deaths. Most individuals
reportedly killed by coalition forces were women and children.
The Lancet Journal of Medicine, October 30, 2004
Military reservists are being called in into duty to fight in Iran. This could lead to a world war,
These sites provide news and information about how you can help you, your friends and family stay out of the war against the people of Iraq. Veterans are very active in the effort to end the war. They are interested in helping people stay out of the war and in supporting those who are currently on the front lines. The peace movement does not want you to die, be wounded or have to face a life tormented by the memories of war.
Bush declared Iraq Mission Accomplished on May 1, 2003 and as we can see the war is taking thousands of lives. The U.S. government is lieing to the world. This war is possibly more dangerous and may cause a global crisis if we are not able to stop it. Your resistance may save your life.
Food Not Bombs groups will be organizing and joining actions in support of the people of Iraq. Much of the U.S. media is failing to report on the reality of the occupation and the brutal bombing and shooting of civilians. If you want to know more about the war on Iraq please check out these sites.
Check out these links and find out more.
GI Rights Hotline 1-800-394-9544
Military Families Speak Out We are an organization of people who are opposed to war in Iraq and who have relatives or loved ones in the military
Veterans for Peace
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Who Dies for Bush Lies The Committee to Help Unsell the War
Stop the Military Draft in the United States Drafting more troops to kill Iraqis must be stopped
Citizen Soldier
Honor Americas Fallen Photos Dover Air Force Base U.S. Troops return to home wrapped in the American flag. www.thememoryhole.org
Vietnamese See Parallels Between Situation There, U.S.-led Iraq War
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Iraq Body Count
War Casualties
BAN ON MEDIA PICTURES Fallen GIs return unseen
Veterans Against Iraq War
Patriots for Peace
Hot News Free of Corporate Lies