Please use this
checklist to make sure we have covered all the details for the
presentation and email it back to Food Not Bombs. If we didn't email you
one of the items listed below say "not yet" in the space next to the
item. You might re-email us this check list as you have more details.
Some of these details will be posted on our websites. Thanks so much! We
are so excited to do the solar demonstration and presentation.
Date of Presentation ____________________
1. School/College/University Name:
2. Date, time and location of presentation:
3. Student organizer's Name:
4. Student organizer'snumber:
5. Student organizer's email address:
6. Names of sponsoring student clubs:
7. Name and location of housing or hotel for these nights:
8. Honorarium amount and date check might be issued:
(Always have the check mailed to P.O. Box 424, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 USA - NEVER MAIL CHECK TO PHYSICAL ADDRESS - Taos has no home mail delivery but IRS needs physical address.)
9. Accounts payable accountant's name, email and phone:
10. Date contract/MOU was obtained by student organizer:
11. Date IRS W-9 Form was obtained by student organizer:
12. Details for ticket or parking pass for transportation:
13. Date PSA sent out to local media and email lists by student:
14. Dates and times of radio and student paper interviews at college station before presentation:
15. Date sample Flyer was obtained by the student to post around campus:
16. Location and table reserved for literature table 11:00 AM day of presentation:
17. Projector and computer to show 15 minute dvd reserved:
18: Pool hours, location and guest pass obtained:
19. Date, time and location of meal to share with organizers:
Thanks so much, we hope this check list is helpful. You may ask your classmates to take responsibility for two or three of these items so you aren't over worked and to provide other students with an opportunity to participate in the success of the tour.
Keith has
been interviewed on radio, TV and for many newspapers, and magazines.
Please arrange interviews with your local media to promote the
presentation. MEDIA
DOWN LOAD Sample Flyer to use
to announce a Food Not Bombs Presentation in your community- Download PDF of flyer