The updates here were made on
July 1, 2008.
You have support. It is resonable to
consider leaving the military when you see the pain and terror with your
own eyes. We get lots of mail from members of the military who can not
bare to kill another soul. Food Not Bombs provides links to these sites so
you can find the support you need. Thes sites have news and information
about how you can help get yourself, your friends and family out of the
wars. Veterans are very active in the effort to end the war. They are
interested in helping people stay out of the war and in supporting those
who are currently on the front lines. The peace movement does not want
you to die, be wounded or have to face a life tormented by the memories of
war. Bush declared Iraq Mission Accomplished on May 1, 2003 and as we
can see the war is still taking thousands of lives. Over 4,000 U.S. soldiers
have been killed and over 17,000 U.S. Troops have been wounded in Iraq.
The British medical journal Lancet reported that over 100,000 civilians
have been killed by coalition forces. You may have witnessed many deaths
yourself and seen violations of international law. Its your duty to leave
your post and refuse to carry out illegal orders. So far its only low
ranking soldiers who are being punishe dfor the crimes of the Bush
administration. Going AWOL is your duty, its the law and its the right
thing to do. Let us help you.
As you may know the U.S. military is training a force to attack Iran.
this could lead to a world war. A crisis caused by the American
administration. The U.S. government is lieing to the world. This war is
possibly more dangerous and may cause a global crisis if we are not able to
stop it. Your resistance may save your life an dthe lives of hundreds of
innocent civilians. Food Not Bombs groups will be organizing and joining
actions in support of the people of Iraq. Much of the U.S. media is failing
to report on the reality of the occupation and the brutal bombing and
shooting of civilians. If you want to know more about the war on Iraq
please check out thesesites. |
Check out these links and
find out more. |
GI Rights Hotline
Civilian Medical Resources Network
Iraq Veterans Against the War 1-800-394-9544
Military Families Speak Out We are
an organization of people who are opposed to war in Iraq and who have
relatives or loved ones in the military
Vietnam Veterans Against the
GI Fightback
Who Dies for Bush Lies The
Committee to Help Unsell the War
Stop the
Military Draft in the United States Drafting more troops to kill
Iraqis must be stopped
Veterans Against Iraq War
Patriots for
Honor Americas Fallen Photos
Dover Air Force Base U.S. Troops return to home wrapped in the American
flag. www.thememoryhole.org
See Parallels Between Situation There, U.S.-led Iraq War
September 11th Families for
Peaceful Tomorrows |
Iraq Body Count
War Casualties
Fallen GIs return unseen
Hot News Free of Corporate
Print out an 11 by 17 inch pdf of the
Bush Lies GIs Die poster to post outside the military bases near you.