The updates here were
made on July 17, 2008.
your Food Not Bombs chapter is interested in seekinng money for cooking
equipment, bulk food, large bike carts, the hosting of regional
gatherings or other special projects please copy this questionnaire,
fill in the answers and email them to us. We would love to help your
local Food Not Bombs chapter when the funds are avalible. Your group can
provide us with these details even if your chapter is not requesting
funding as it can help provide an account of the Food Not Bombs
movement. Copy the questions, fill in as much as you can and email your
answers to: menu@foodnotbombs.net |
Your chapter's mailing address: Your chapter's phone
number: Your chapter's email: Your chapter's
website: Serving days, times and locations: Do you display a Food
Not Bombs banner at your meals? Do you provide free literature at
your meals? |
When did your chapter start? How did your chapter start? How
many people helped start your chapter? Where did your chapter share
food when you started? Where did your chapter cook when you first
Where does your chapter share food now? Where does your
chapter cook? How many people volunteer with your chapter on a
regular bases? What is the age of your chapters youngest
volunteer. What is the age of your chapters oldest volunteer.
Highest number of women in your chapter? Highest number of men in
your chapter? Does your chapter address issues of gender, class,
race or age of your volunteers and guests and if so how? How often
does your chapter share free food? About how many people eat with
your chapter at the first of the month About how many people eat
with your chapter at the end of the month What kinds of vehicles
does your chapter use? Does your chapter have meetings? Has your
chapter organized an event or concert? What was the name of these
events or concerts? What are the names of bands and the type of
music they played. Does your chapter know of any Food Not Bombs
songs? Would you be able to get an original recording of the
song? Does your chapter share food a other events? What are the
names of these events? How does your group make decisions? How
is the food collected? How does your group organize the cooking and
serving? What kind of equipment does your chapter use and how did
you get it? What have been the biggest problems for your
chapter? What have been the greatest successes for your chapter?
What role has anarchist ideas and process had on the activities of your
chapter? What interaction does your group have with other Food Not
Bombs chapters? Has any one from another Food Not Bombs chapter ever
volunteered with your chapter? What chapter did they come from?
What interaction does your chapter have with other organizations?
Would your chapter like a $250 or $500 grant? What would your do
with $250? Who should the check be made out to? Can you provide
me with flyers, posters, media reports, photos and videos of your
chapter? How does your group raise money? What are your chapters
future plans? Would your group be interested in a large bike cart? Would your
group be interested in a 60 quart stainless steal pot? Would your
group be interested in $500 worth of dry goods? Would your group be
interested in hosting a regional gathering? |
What interaction does your group have with the government.
Does your chapter have any permits? Has your chapter ever been
asked to show a permit? Has anyone in your group been arrested while
sharing food? What were the charges? Did anyone get convicted?
What was the penalty? Has your chapter ever been the target of
spying and extra legal government disruption? Describe the
surveillance. |
Has any one in your chapter been to a Food Not Bombs
Gathering? How many went? Was this a regional gathering or
global gathering and where and when did it happen? Would anyone your
chapter be interested in attending a Regional Food Not Bombs
Gathering? Would anyone your chapter be interested in attending a
Food Not Bombs Gathering? Is there anyone in your chapter interested
in helping organize a Food Not Bombs gathering? Has your chapter
hosted or participated in a Food Not Bombs tour? Would you be
willing to host a speaking event?
What other questions do you
think should be asked and how would your group answer it? |
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. Please complete as much as
possible and email it to menu@foodnotbombs.net
Advisory Board
Leslie Swanson - co-founder of Food Not Bombs
Bobby Castillo - Native American Activist
Alex S. Vitale - Associate Professor Department of Sociology Brooklyn College
and former Food Not Bombs volunteer
Emmanuel Rodriguez - Food Not Bombs in Monterrey Mexico